Mara G Haseltine

She merges her artistic practice with scientific experiments and restoration of the environment.

At the crossroads of art, technology and social change.

Mara G Haseltine : artiste en résidence sur tara

Mara holds a BFA in Art and Art History from Oberlin College (Ohio), and an MFA from the San Francisco Art Institute (California). She has exhibited and worked in the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia and at the National Museum of Trinidad and Tobago. Currently director of the non-profit Geotherapy Institute of Art and Field Sciences (New York), she is a member of the Explorer’s Club, and currently collaborates with the NY/ NJ Baykeepers, and many other associations. Her work has been published in the NY Times, Metro, the Guardian, Architectural Record, etc.

Mara G Haseltine

A passion for the natural sciences is evident in the work of Mara G.Haseltine.  She is inspired by the microscopic world and even her most abstract sculptures are  enlargements of microscopic and even submicroscopic forms. Whenever possible,  she merges her art practice with scientific experiments and environmental  restoration. 

« We are very lucky to have a conscience. We enjoy the beauty of the planet, and  at the same time have access to advanced technologies. These technologies allow  us to look within ourselves, and to the far reaches of the cosmos. It is this special  and unique relationship that I explore in my work. 

‘Geotherapy’ is a practice of the future. It addresses the connection between our  biological evolution, our culture—with an emphasis on “nature-based solutions”— and a global bio-ethic focused on healing our shared biosphere. Using the  principles of geotherapy, my work is at the intersection of art, technology and social  change. Many of my sculptures use microscopic and scientific data and evolve into  figurative forms. The viewer perceives the workings of life beyond the way the  human eye can perceive it. My work illustrates the impact of human beings on this  delicate microscopic universe. My most recent projects revolve around aquatic and  environmental living structures which function as habitats, coastal protection zones  and bio-remediation filters. The ultimate intention of my work is to raise awareness  of the beneficial impact of geotherapy on our planet. »

Check out some of Mara’s creations inspired by life aboard Tara:

Œuvre de Mara G Haseltine : photographie de tintinnidés vue au microscope
Tintinnid Genspace © Mara G. Haseltine
Sculpture mixte de plancton ctenephore
Ctenophore Plankton © Mara G. Haseltine
Sculpture mixte de plancton ctenephore
Ctenophore Plankton © Mara G. Haseltine
Plancton Lithopetra
Lithopetra Plankton © Mara G. Haseltine

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