Our future depends on the ocean and, wherever we live on this planet, we all need to understand and protect the ocean.

The first foundation in France to be recognised as promoting the public interest dedicated to the ocean, founded by Agnès Troublé called agnès b. in 2003 and chaired by Etienne Bourgois, the Tara Ocean Foundation is leading a scientific revolution around this ecosystem.

With its associated scientific consortia, it is developing innovative and original open ocean science which, in the future, will enable us to predict anticipate and better understand climate risks and better protect biodiversity.

It uses this high level scientific expertise and these sea voyages to raise awareness and educate young people and the public in general, to mobilise political decision makers at the highest level and to enable developing countries to access this new knowledge about the Ocean.

In order to rise to the challenges of the century, our actions are built on a public – private – citizen partnership.

Annual reports
Annual Reports
Annual reports

20 years of impact for the Ocean

with the Tara Ocean Foundation

To better understand the ocean
The future of humanity depends directly on the health of the ocean.
To change behaviour.
Studying and protecting the ocean means taking care of the global system of our planet
Sharing scientific knowledge about the ocean to raise public and collective awareness.
Developing high-level ocean science, with the best international research laboratories, to explore, understand and anticipate the disruptions linked to climatic and environmental risks as well as the impacts of various forms of pollution.

Our 7 expéditions majeures

2006 2008
Tara Arctic

Tara Arctic

A high-risk 18-month expedition drifting with the sea ice on the edge of the North Pole to see the effects of climate change.

See more
2009 2013
Tara Oceans

Tara Oceans

An expedition to the heart of the biodiversity of the planktonic world, with the Ocean under the microscope.

See more
2014 2014
Tara Mediterranean

Tara Mediterranean

Expedition dedicated to the scourge of plastic pollution, with the Mediterranean as our laboratory.

See more
2016 2018
Tara Pacific

Tara Pacific

To examine the biodiversity of coral reefs and their evolution in the face of climate change and the presence of man

See more
2019 2019
Tara Microplastics

Tara Microplastics

An expedition along 9 major European rivers to describe and understand the origins and flux of plastic waste.

See more
2020 2022

Microbiomes Mission

Unravel the mysteries of the first actor present in all facets of ocean biodiversity, its fundamental basis: the microbiome.

See more
2023 2024
Tara à Roscoff 2023

Tara Europa

Understanding the impact of human activities on the biodiversity of European coastal ecosystems!

See more

Mission Microbiomes

Uncovering the mysteries of ocean biodiversity


See all Tara's information and events