Governance of the foundation
The Tara Ocean Foundation is recognised as promoting the public interest, is administered by a board of directors and relies on the expertise of two consultative committees.
College of the founder members
Three members with regard to the College of Founders, two life members:
Agnès Troublé, known as agnès b. - Designer
Etienne Bourgois - President
Nathalie Kistler - Company General Secretary Mandated by the Agnès Troublé dite agnès b. endowment fund. Represented by Nathalie Kistler, Treasurer of the Tara Ocean Foundation
College of qualified persons
Four members with regard to the College of Qualified Persons which includes people chosen for their expertise in the foundation's areas of activity.
These members are co-opted by the other board members.
Eric Karsenti - Research Director Emeritus at the CNRS and former Associate Research Director at the EMBL - Cellular biologist, CNRS gold medal
Gérard Bonhoure - Honorary Inspector General at the French Ministry of National Education
Françoise Gaill - Research Director Emeritus at the CNRS and Vice President of the Ocean & Climate platform - Oceanographer.
Fabien Vatinel - Expert in asset engineering
College of Friends of the Foundation
Two members with regard to the College of Friends of the Foundation, which includes persons designated by the body "Les amis de TARA". The title of member of the Board of Directors of the body "Les amis de TARA"is incompatible with title of member of the Board of Directors of the foundation, in another college than that of the friends.
Christian de Marliave - Publisher and Polar specialist
Sylvie Duboué - Sales Manager
Managing Director
Romain Troublé - as Managing Director of the Tara Ocean Foundation directs the services of the foundation and ensures its correct operation. He has the powers required to carry out his mission on behalf of the President. He is authorised to attend meetings of the board of directors and of the bureau in an advisory role.
Government commissioner
Thierry Boisseaux representative of the French Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition. -
The scientific committee
The scientific committee supports and advises the board of directors and the managing director. It evaluates current analyses, the organisation of future and current scientific missions and, participates in the definition of more long term research programmes.
Its president interacts directly with the foundation's teams, and two of its members report to the board of directors.
Chris Bowler - Biologist - Research Director CNRS at the Institute of Biology of the Ecole Normale Supérieure - Silver Medal CNRS - President
Eric Karsenti - Cellular biologist - Research Director Emeritus at the CNRS and former Associate Research Director at the EMBL - Gold Medal CNRS
Françoise Gaill - Oceanographer - Research Director Emeritus CNRS
Gaby Gorsky - Director of the Oceanological Observatory in Villefrance-sur-Mer/UPMC-CNRS.
Patrick Wincker - Molecular biologist- Director of the Génoscope, CEA/Université d'Evry
Colomban de Vargas - Ecologist - Research director CNRS at the Station Biologique in Roscoff, CNRS-Sorbonne
Serge Planes - Coral reef biologist, Research director CNRS/PSL, director of Labex Corail and former director the Criobe in Mo'orea.
The education committee
Gabrielle Zimmermann - La main à la pâte foundation
Gérard Bonhoure - Honorary Inspector General earth and life sciences at the French Ministry of National Education
Françoise Ribola - Regional Education Inspector earth and life sciences, Coordinator Sustainable Development Education, French Ministry of National Education
Florence Clément - ADEME
Mathilde Jay - ADEME
Sabine Lavorel - Teacher and trainer