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Create a fundraising page

It’s your turn ! Take on your own sports challenge, mobilize your friends during your birthday, wedding, the birth of a child or a baptism … and turn these life events into solidarity opportunities to support our actions for the Ocean. It’s simple and there are several options All you need to do is create

Show your generosity with an IFI donation

Show your generosity with an IFI donation

Make an IFI donation Thanks to advantageous tax benefits, an IFI donation can constitute a significant lever of generosity to support the actions of the Tara Ocean Foundation.  Your donation allows us to pursue our multiple missions and allocate funds where they are most needed, at the moment they are most required, providing us with

Is light perception useful for phytoplankton?

Light is a limiting factor in the Ocean Although essential for life, light only penetrates the Ocean in the upper phase of the photic zone (up to 200m); and in this zone, light is also highly variable, and depends on various factors: the properties of water, which specifically absorbs certain wavelengths, the presence of other

[Plankt’Eco project] Developing global plankton observation to improve ocean management

Integrating researchers from developing countries into Tara Oceans communities In 2016, the Tara structure, formerly an endowment fund, obtained the status of a foundation recognized as being of public utility, and thus officially became the Tara Ocean Foundation. This change is structural for the Foundation: it enables us to set up our very first cooperation

Early morning fisherman

Why is the Ocean a vital ally in the fight against climate change?

Why is the ocean essential to our planet? The Ocean, blue lung of our planet, is alive and vital, playing a central role in regulating the Earth’s climate. As an essential ally in the fight against climate change, it acts as a vast reservoir capable of absorbing much of the excess heat and greenhouse gases

Robertina Šebjanič’s Logbook: Echo of the Abyss

Her choice of the Baltic Sea wasn’t a coincidence. Indeed, her artistic project focuses on the impact of weapons lost in the Ocean during past conflicts. The Baltic Sea is a sea that has been impacted by many wars over the past century. Many munitions still lie beneath its surface.Past conflicts, present consequences, the artist

Arctic and Antarctic: what are the differences?

Why are they called the Arctic Ocean and the Antarctic continent? The Arctic and Antarctic are two regions located at the poles, made up of ice caps, glaciers and pack ice. How can we tell them apart? The Arctic is mostly an ocean surrounded by land, while Antarctica is mostly a continent surrounded by the

Marine Protected Areas: How can we ensure an effective protection of marine ecosystems?

What is a Marine Protected Area? According to the IUCN, a Marine Protected Area (MPA) is:” A clearly defined geographical space, recognised, dedicated, and managed, through legal or other effective means, to achieve the long-term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values.” MPAs can vary in their level of protection, ranging from

The plankton paradox: Unprecedented cooperationbetween bacteria in the Ocean

Better understanding plankton diversity thanks to the data collected during the Tara Oceans expedition The plankton paradox was described by ecologist George E. Hutchinson in 1961: A very great diversity of plankton can be observed on the ocean surface despite limited nutrient resources for which these organisms are in constant competition.  This led a team

[Tara Polar Station] An innovative shipyard in Cherbourg

CMN teams rise to the polar challenge CMN wanted to build Tara Polar Station, as the foundation’s mission of exploration and sharing to protect the Ocean and the expeditions it wishes to lead to the North Pole are in line with the vision and values of the company, which is committed to imagining, designing and

Renata Padovan’s Logbook: Documenting the Ocean for an Immersive Onshore Exhibition

The artist’s project, titled “Water-Air Interface,” aimed to explore and reveal through an immersive installation the unique, mysterious, dynamic, life-filled, fragile, and essential environment of the ocean’s surface. To achieve this, Renata intended to combine photographs, sound recordings, microscopic images, videos, drawings, physico-chemical measurements of the water, and samples collected on board with data on

Integrating the ocean into the climate regime: the Ocean & Climate Platform’s challenge

A collective watches over the Ocean The ocean is a key player in climate regulation. Unfortunately, it has long been absent from climate negotiations. In order to integrate the ocean into the climate regime, a group of civil society actors, with the support of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO, decided to create the

Construction of Tara Polar Station: 3 major challenges remain

Major challenge: building a polar vessel to resist ice From idea to construction site In the past, relatively few ships have been engineered to be locked in ice and remain there — on average, only one per century. The biggest challenge of this project is to build a vessel adapted to the polar environment. Designing

The Pink Flamingo Society: An international fleet of oceanographic research vessels funded philanthropically

The United Nations has declared a Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) to protect the Ocean’s health. Ambitious goals have been set in order to advance marine science. This implies to support scientific expeditions through investments, technological development, public engagement, etc. As a result, the Pink Flamingo Society, a philanthropic fleet, has been

A history of polar exploration in the Arctic

Discovering the Poles For several centuries, polar exploration has inspired people’s dreams. However, reaching the Poles has always been a challenge for mankind. Adventurers, navigators and scientists all wanted to conquer these territories preserved from all human activities. They embarked towards the unknown to conquer frozen lands, sometimes without preparation for the extreme conditions that