Construction of Tara Polar Station: 3 major challenges remain

Major challenge: building a polar vessel to resist ice From idea to construction site In the past, relatively few ships have been engineered to be locked in ice and remain there — on average, only one per century. The biggest challenge of this project is to build a vessel adapted to the polar environment. Designing

The Pink Flamingo Society: An international fleet of oceanographic research vessels funded philanthropically

The United Nations has declared a Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) to protect the Ocean’s health. Ambitious goals have been set in order to advance marine science. This implies to support scientific expeditions through investments, technological development, public engagement, etc. As a result, the Pink Flamingo Society, a philanthropic fleet, has been

A history of polar exploration in the Arctic

Discovering the Poles For several centuries, polar exploration has inspired people’s dreams. However, reaching the Poles has always been a challenge for mankind. Adventurers, navigators and scientists all wanted to conquer these territories preserved from all human activities. They embarked towards the unknown to conquer frozen lands, sometimes without preparation for the extreme conditions that

Eutrophication, an important issue in the Baltic Sea

What is eutrophication? This biological phenomenon occurs when a significant amount of nutrients is released in the environment. These influxes come in particular through farm inputs, such as fertilizers, that allow plants to grow more quickly. However, the quantities supplied to ecosystems are often very large, causing excess nutrients to flow into the aquatic continuum

Environmental pollution caused by microplastics: the example of mermaid tears

How does plastic impact the environment? According to ADEME, the Ecological Transition Agency, plastic is the third most-produced material in the world (after cement and steel), representing half a billion tonnes, Overall production of plastic has experienced an exponential increase since the 1950s. It doubled between 2000 and 2019, going from 234 million tons to

Migratory flows in the Ocean: Why do marine animals migrate?

Animal behavior: migration Movement is an animal behavioral characteristic that has been studied by scientists for many years. Animals are able to find their way in the Ocean, a dark and immense environment, thanks to external signals. Thus, a movement can be triggered by:  the modification of the degree of activity by a stimulus (kinesis):

20 years of commitment: Conveying the Ocean’s voice and engaging policy makers

André Abreu joined the Tara Ocean Foundation in 2011 after working with the Fondation Danielle-Mitterrand – France Libertés and the UN on the right for all to access drinking water. André looks back at the origin of Tara’s advocacy, its key moments and the Foundation’s daily work to increasingly engage policy-makers. What is “advocacy” for

Conservation des échantillons dans l’azote liquide

[TREC/Tara Europa] Between land and sea, an unprecedented scientific expedition along the coasts of Europe

An expedition coordinated by the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in collaboration with the Tara Oceans Consortium, the Tara Ocean Foundation and more than 70 scientific institutions. This mission brings together 150 researchers in about 30 countries. Interview with Colomban de Vargas, scientific director of the Tara Europa expedition. What is the Tara Oceans scientific consortium? The Tara Oceans Consortium was created 15 years ago during an

The Arctic, a little-known ocean at the forefront of the climate crisis

A polar ecosystem, sentinel of the climate The glacial Arctic Ocean, the only polar ocean on our planet, covers an area equivalent to five times that of the Mediterranean Sea, or approximately 14 million km².  Covered with ice floes most of the year, this ocean is bordered by eight countries: Norway, Sweden, Russia, Finland, Denmark

20 years of sharing — together building a new story about the Ocean

Towards a new story Myriam Thomas, director of the Ocean Culture group, has been working on sharing knowledge for 15 years, with the aim of eliminating preconceived ideas and trying to bring together citizens all around the Ocean. From the first Tara expedition in 2006, we had a real desire to have everyone experience this

Reinforcing scientific expertise in understanding planktonic ecosystems through collaboration among young researchers

The Ocean Plankton, Climate, and Development project (2016-2022), in partnership with the French facility for Global Environment (FFEM*), enabled the Foundation and its partner laboratories to establish a program for training and expertise exchange aimed at understanding planktonic ecosystems. Young researchers from the Global South (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Senegal, and Togo), with diverse expertise (geneticist,

Signing of the High Seas Biodiversity Treaty at the UN: the race for ratification has begun

What’s the difference between signing and ratifying a treaty? After signature, which is the first formality, comes ratification, which is the formal act by which a signatory state agrees to be bound by the treaty when it enters into force. The text is officially submitted for ratification. This second stage is more complex, as it

How can science be better integrated into political decision-making? Tara Europa Lab’s ambition

Why do scientists and policy-makers need to communicate? What is science-to-policy? Science-to-policy is the process of enabling political decision-makers to make informed choices underpinned by scientific knowledge. The volume of scientific knowledge produced is immense, and yet there is still a relatively wide gap between science and policy, particularly when it comes to taking effective

Impact of anthropic activities on biodiversity along the shoreline: development of coastal occupation

What is the shoreline? According to Michel Desse, professor of human geography of coastal areas at the University of Nantes, the shoreline is an interface zone between land and sea/ocean that fluctuates depending on the day (under the influence of tides, for example), season and climate-related events, such as marine submersion. In some places, the

[Tara Océans] Discovery of new viruses in the ocean: Mirusviruses

Viruses infect plankton in the ocean Scientists characterized a new group of DNA viruses which they named «mirusviruses». “Mirus“ is a Latin word which means strange, or even surprising. The name reflects the unusual evolutionary traits of these viruses which have very complex genomes, with hundreds of genes and many functions which are currently completely