Our partners
The Tara Ocean Foundation is based on a balanced economic model that combines public and private finance in the same dynamic and that gives us the means to plan our actions over the long term.

agnès b.
Agnès b. is a long love story with Tara. The designer and her son Etienne Bourgois, both passionate about the ocean and boats, decided to commit to environmental protection in addition to offering timeless clothing lines since the 1970s. In 2003, they acquired, initially for personal use, the schooner from the family of the late great navigator Sir Peter Blake, which was then called Seamaster. They renamed her Tara and launched the adventure.

Like their predecessors, Agnès and Etienne turned this boat into a floating scientific laboratory dedicated to ocean protection. The goal: to observe, study, and understand the impact of climate change and ecological crises on the seas, and to raise awareness about the dangers threatening both humanity and its environment. Through the Tara Expeditions adventure, Agnès and Etienne also aimed to enable high-level scientists, artists, and the general public to meet, promoting interdisciplinarity and multiculturalism. “This project was born from a humanistic and committed vision,” emphasized Etienne Bourgois, who is also the CEO of Maison agnès b. In 2016, Agnès and Etienne co-founded the Tara Ocean Foundation, the first public interest foundation dedicated to the Ocean, and donated the schooner to it. Agnès and her family remain one of the main patrons of the Foundation, which is chaired by Etienne Bourgois.