Construction of Tara Polar Station: 3 major challenges remain

Major challenge: building a polar vessel to resist ice From idea to construction site In the past, relatively few ships have been engineered to be locked in ice and remain there — on average, only one per century. The biggest challenge of this project is to build a vessel adapted to the polar environment. Designing

The Pink Flamingo Society: An international fleet of oceanographic research vessels funded philanthropically

The United Nations has declared a Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) to protect the Ocean’s health. Ambitious goals have been set in order to advance marine science. This implies to support scientific expeditions through investments, technological development, public engagement, etc. As a result, the Pink Flamingo Society, a philanthropic fleet, has been

2003-2023: 20 years of sponsorship actions for the Tara Ocean Foundation

Agnès Troublé, known as agnès b: 20 years of philanthropy For almost 2 decades, the designer Agnès Troublé, called agnès b.– a brand the stylist launched in 1975 – has been associated with the research schooner Tara, sailing on the Ocean around all continents: In 2003, Agnès Troublé and her son, Étienne Bourgois, CEO of

How are the logistics of an oceanographic expedition organized?

The origins of modern oceanographic campaigns: from the Challenger to the schooner Tara In 1872, the HMS Challenger set sail for a four-year scientific mission that is considered retrospectively to be the first modern oceanographic campaign. The Royal Navy ship traveled approximately 65 000 nautical miles across the Atlantic, Southern, Indian and Pacific Oceans. The

Tara, a legendary oceanographic sailboat, evolving through scientific missions and shipyard overhauls

History of the schooner Tara’s overhauls The schooner is now 33 years old, and has been sailing under the name Tara for 20 years. Before each new mission, a reflection is carried out about how to arrange and adapt the spaces for the needs of science and future navigations. – Tara Arctic 2006-2008 In 2006,

Integrating the ocean into the climate regime: the Ocean & Climate Platform’s challenge

A collective watches over the Ocean The ocean is a key player in climate regulation. Unfortunately, it has long been absent from climate negotiations. In order to integrate the ocean into the climate regime, a group of civil society actors, with the support of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO, decided to create the

Tara-Jambio mission: studying microplastic pollution in Japan

If the Japanese coasts are known to shelter a significant biodiversity, they are also known for their high concentration of microplastics, these particles of a size between 0.3 and 5 millimeters, forming a pollution almost invisible to the eye, complex and difficult to treat. Identify and better understand the fragmentation of this plastic waste and

Become an artist-in-residence aboard the schooner Tara

Become an artist-in-residence aboard the schooner Tara

Science has always been a source of inspiration for artists. Aboard the  schooner, they observe and transcribe, according to their sensitivity and  imagination, the richness of the oceans, the research, and daily life in close  quarters.  Calls for residency  On each new mission, residencies aboard the schooner are an opportunity to  cultivate different perspectives, create