Support the Tara Ocean Foundation
Help us to protect the Ocean
The invisible life of the ocean is essential to the future of humanity and for the planet. Marine micro-organisms contribute to the absorption of CO2 emitted by humans; they generate 50% of the oxygen produced each day on Earth; they constitute the base of the marine food chain, as a source of protein for many populations.
The schooner Tara has ended its expedition for a few weeks and is now preparing the next mission around European coastlines, dedicated to the link between environment and health.
This scientific knowledge of the Ocean is possible thanks to your generosity. At the end of this year, you can support us and encourage research on the Ocean, to better preserve it.
The Tara Ocean Foundation, as a “foundation reconnue d’utilité publique” according to French law, is eligible for tax reductions. You can donate through de TransGivingEurope scheme.
To get more information, please contact us.