Océan & Climat

Melting pack ice and oceans level rise

Melting pack ice and oceans level rise

“If the North Pole melts, won’t ocean levels rise?” This experiment will help you understand the consequences of the North Pole’s melting pack ice and the ocean levels.

Greenhouse effect

Greenhouse effect

“What is the greenhouse effect?” Many gases in the earth’s atmosphere allow us to live with a good temperature and protect us. Yet, the rise of the concentration of some of these gases causes climatic changes. This experiment will help you understand the phenomenon.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) and ocean acidification

Carbon dioxide (CO2) and ocean acidification

“Does the rise of atmospheric CO2 have consequences for the oceans?” This sheet will help you understand the impact of the rise of certain greenhouse gases (such as carbon dioxide) on the climate and on the oceans.

Expansion of warm water

Expansion of warm water

“Does water expand when heated?” By recreating the phenomenon of oceans’ warming with an experiment, you will understand and illustrate one of the reasons of ocean levels rise.

Ocean currents and temperature

Ocean currents and temperature

“Does temperature affect ocean currents?” Explore this theme with this experiment and study the major influence of water’s temperature on ocean currents.

Ocean currents and salinity

Ocean currents and salinity

“Does water salinity affect ocean currents?” Explore this theme with this experiment and understand the major influence of water’s salinity on ocean currents.

The Ocean, the planet’s thermostat

The Ocean, the planet’s thermostat

This sheet was created as part of the Ocean and Climate platform, launched June 10, 2014 on the occasion of World Oceans Day. It was designed by a team including scientists, communicators and educators. It presents the central role the ocean plays in the regulation and control of major global thermal balance. This sheet also renews

The Ocean, origin of life on Earth

The Ocean, origin of life on Earth

This sheet was created as part of the Ocean and Climate platform, launched June 10, 2014 on the occasion of World Oceans Day. It was designed by a team including scientists, communicators and educators. It details the two mechanisms of absorption by the ocean of part of the CO2 from the atmosphere. Two computer graphics help

From the Ocean to the clouds

From the Ocean to the clouds

This sheet was created as part of the Ocean and Climate platform, launched June 10, 2014 on the occasion of World Oceans Day. It was designed by a team including scientists, communicators and educators. Discover a new way to present the water cycle. The resource was designed to show the critical importance of the oceans in

Ocean acidification

Ocean acidification

This sheet was created as part of the Ocean and Climate platform, launched June 10, 2014 on the occasion of World Oceans Day. It was designed by a team including scientists, communicators and educators. What is known of this mechanism in 2015? How does it work? Find it out with this sheet.

The decline of marine biodiversity

The decline of marine biodiversity

This sheet was created as part of the Ocean and Climate platform, launched June 10, 2014 on the occasion of World Oceans Day. It was designed by a team including scientists, communicators and educators. Discover the proven impact that climate change has on biodiversity. This sheet shows some examples of changes that are already observable.

An Ocean under pressure

An Ocean under pressure

This sheet was created as part of the Ocean and Climate platform, launched June 10, 2014 on the occasion of World Oceans Day. It was designed by a team including scientists, communicators and educators. What are the consequences of the increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere on the mechanisms at work in

Video – Coral bleaching

Video – Coral bleaching

Frank the Coral lived quietly on the Great Barrier Reef for 400 years. Over the past century, Frank noticed that the ocean was gradually getting warmer. Then in 2016, the water temperature rose  suddenly, making it particularly dangerous for him. How will this ancient inhabitant of the seabed withstand climate change? Discover the nature of

Educational activity : Coral bleaching (15-18 years old)

Educational activity : Coral bleaching (15-18 years old)

How will this ancient inhabitant of the seabed withstand climate change? Along with the projection of a short video, the Tara Expeditions Foundation offers ready-to-go educational activities to do with students, 8 to 16 years old. The activities aim to enrich their knowledge of the ocean, especially coral, and explain the fragility of this ecosystem

Educational activity : Coral bleaching (12-15 years old)

Educational activity : Coral bleaching (12-15 years old)

How will this ancient inhabitant of the seabed withstand climate change? Along with the projection of a short video, the Tara Expeditions Foundation offers ready-to-go educational activities to do with students, 8 to 16 years old. The activities aim to enrich their knowledge of the ocean, especially coral, and explain the fragility of this ecosystem

Educational activity : Coral bleaching (8-11 years old)

Educational activity : Coral bleaching (8-11 years old)

How will this ancient inhabitant of the seabed withstand climate change? Along with the projection of a short video, the Tara Expeditions Foundation offers ready-to-go educational activities to do with students, 8 to 16 years old. The activities aim to enrich their knowledge of the ocean, especially coral, and explain the fragility of this ecosystem

Voyage dans la jungle planctonique

Voyage dans la jungle planctonique

À la découverte du plancton et de leur rôle dans la vie sur notre planète. Cet article est issu du journal de Tara n°5, publié en août 2009.

Les protistes, pompe à carbone mondiale

Les protistes, pompe à carbone mondiale

Découvrez les protistes et leur rôle fondamental. Cet article est issu du journal de Tara n°5, publié en août 2009.

Les gliders, des robots sous-marins

Les gliders, des robots sous-marins

Découvrez le glider, un concentré de technologie de l’océanographie. Cet article est issu du journal de Tara n°6, publié en mars 2010.

Dossier pédagogique récifs coralliens

Dossier pédagogique récifs coralliens

Retrouvez ici le dossier pédagogique récifs coralliens avec tous les documents annexes nécessaires aux activités proposées. Vous pouvez aussi télécharger directement chaque annexe depuis le lien correspondant inséré dans le dossier pédagogique. Ce dossier de 36 pages, réalisé à l’occasion de l’expédition Tara Pacific, vous propose une base d’information sur le corail et les récifs