Giulia Grossmann

Zero to infinity

Giulia Grossmann : artiste en résidence sur Tara

By combining the ethnographic approach with that of the cinema, his films testify to an approach of reception, of porosity to the context which make them eminently experimental projects. In the background, each of his films questions our way of inhabiting the earth by putting Man in relation to the space that surrounds him; from the Basque mountains to the Mexican desert, from Icelandic volcanoes to the space separating us from the planet Mars…

Giulia Grossmann

Zero to infinity gives us access to the imperceptible part of the ocean, its matter, its composition, what is not visible to the human eye. The viewer is immersed in an undefined universe that disrupts our relationship to the visible and the invisible in these dizzying oceanic landscapes. Shot on the Atlantic Ocean and in the laboratories that study water, we pass from the immensity of the horizon to the abstraction of the microscope views.

I consider microscopic observation as immense as the expanse of the horizon and the infinity of the cosmos. This material for contemplation places us in a moving interstice in continuous observation and questioning.

Artist in residence on Tara

Meeting with Giulia Grossmann

Meeting with Giulia Grossmann

Artist in residence on Tara

Discover some of her achievements inspired by life aboard Tara:

Film in progress



Film in progress

Marin scrutant l'horizon
Flowcam : planctons

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Art & Science, l’émotion de la découverte

Découvrez les artistes passés en résidence à bord de Tara