Edson Macalini

I draw my inner world - I invent stories, landscapes and archeologies - My drawings arise from what I see in nature, in dreams and light.

Nauseous drawings in turbulent waters

Edson Macalini: artist-in-residence aboard Tara

“I was born in 1983 in the city of Cascavel, in southern Brazil. I am a professor of design and I do research on the procedures of contemporary artistic creation. I’m interested in the relationship between art and nature, stories, fiction, and the frictions between the humanities and the natural world. I have participated in several exhibitions, artistic residencies and training in my country and abroad. My artistic production always starts from an event, and as for technique, I always begin my journey with drawing, which is transformed and camouflaged throughout the creation. I make collections, which range from photographs to words I hear and write, to conversations, readings and sketches in my notebook. I consider my work of artistic creation as a laboratory of experimentation, which brings together objects, curiosities, libraries, lives and experiences.”

Edson Macalini

« This was my first time sailing. The Tara experience began even before embarkation and departure at sea. The educational action carried out in the port of Itajaí, Santa Catarina (Brazil) had the support of the Alliance Française of Florianópolis. We aimed to introduce visitors to scientific aspects of the expedition and its varied crew. Together with the Brazilian scientists, I set up an exhibition in the event centre of the city: We presented the research already carried out and that to come. As for my own field of work – Creative Procedures in Visual Arts: filamentous green algae – it was displayed for the public. I presented my way of working, how creation occurs, and how I connect art and nature in my research and my artistic work, thus giving clues as to how my research on the painting would evolve, and how the drawing would happen. On board the sailboat, a mixture of emotions and sensations took over. I was captured by the turbulent waters and seasickness. I spent most of the time feeling seasick, feeling the swaying of the waters. The turbulent waters I saw on the horizon remained, even when I closed my eyes and still accompanied me in my dreams. When I finally managed to use pen and paper, the waters became drawings. »

Discover some of his work inspired by life aboard Tara:

Œuvre de Edson Macalini
© Edson Macalini
Œuvre de Edson Macalini
© Edson Macalini
Œuvre de Edson Macalini
© Edson Macalini
Œuvre de Edson Macalini
© Edson Macalini

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