Publications scientifiques

Low-level jet characteristics over the Arctic Ocean in spring and summer.

Low-level jet characteristics over the Arctic Ocean in spring and summer.

The impact of  heterogeneous surface temperatures on the 2-m air temperature over the Arctic Ocean in spring

The impact of heterogeneous surface temperatures on the 2-m air temperature over the Arctic Ocean in spring

Validation of atmospheric reanalyzes over the central Arctic Ocean

Validation of atmospheric reanalyzes over the central Arctic Ocean

Validation of the Climate-SAF surface broadband albedo product: Comparisons with in situ observations over Greenland and the ice-covered Arctic Ocean.

Validation of the Climate-SAF surface broadband albedo product: Comparisons with in situ observations over Greenland and the ice-covered Arctic Ocean.

Low frequency bursts of horizontally polarized waves in the Arctic sea-ice cover.

Low frequency bursts of horizontally polarized waves in the Arctic sea-ice cover.

Positive trend in the mean speed and deformation rate of Arctic sea ice, 1979-2007

Positive trend in the mean speed and deformation rate of Arctic sea ice, 1979-2007

Ozone in the boundary layer air over the Arctic Ocean: measurements during the TARA transpolar drift 2006-2008

Ozone in the boundary layer air over the Arctic Ocean: measurements during the TARA transpolar drift 2006-2008

Melt pond formation and temporal evolution at drifting station Tara during summer 2007

Melt pond formation and temporal evolution at drifting station Tara during summer 2007

Tara Pacific Expedition’s Atmospheric Measurements of Marine Aerosols across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans: Overview and Preliminary Results.

Tara Pacific Expedition’s Atmospheric Measurements of Marine Aerosols across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans: Overview and Preliminary Results.

Pendant l’expédition, les paramètres des eaux de surface et de l’atmosphère sont mesurés en continu. La taille et la distribution des aérosols marins sont mesurées pour évaluer leur influence sur l’Océan. Cet article présente un nouveau jeu de données provenant de l’expédition Tara Pacific. Ces données doivent ensuite être comparées aux mesures de l’eau de

Millepora platyphylla range extended back to the Eastern Pacific, thanks to a new record from Clipperton Atoll.

Millepora platyphylla range extended back to the Eastern Pacific, thanks to a new record from Clipperton Atoll.

The Tara Pacific expedition – A pan-ecosystemic approach of the “-omics” complexity of coral reef holobionts across the Pacific Ocean.

The Tara Pacific expedition – A pan-ecosystemic approach of the “-omics” complexity of coral reef holobionts across the Pacific Ocean.

Ce premier article présente l’ensemble de l’approche de l’expédition Tara Pacific. La méthodologie est assez nouvelle puisque les protocoles ne se focalisent pas sur la colonie corallienne elle-même mais sur l’ensemble de son écosystème. Pour entrer dans cette approche « pan-écosystémique », des échantillons sont prélevés sur les colonies coralliennes (3 espèces) et les poissons (2 espèces)

Status of coral reefs of Samoa and recommendations to promote resilience and recovery of coastal ecosystems.

Status of coral reefs of Samoa and recommendations to promote resilience and recovery of coastal ecosystems.

Cet article a été publié pour évaluer la santé des récifs coralliens à Upolu en utilisant des observations sur les deux espèces de poissons choisies pour Tara Pacific et une approche plus « traditionnelle » avec des paramètres comme la couverture corallienne. Ces données ont été comparées à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur des zones protégées afin de

Plankton networks driving carbon export in the oligotrophic ocean

Plankton networks driving carbon export in the oligotrophic ocean

Structure and function of the global ocean microbiome

Structure and function of the global ocean microbiome

Reading and thinking about international Polar years: five recent books.

Reading and thinking about international Polar years: five recent books.

A holistic approach to marine eco-systems biology

A holistic approach to marine eco-systems biology

Seasonality of spectral albedo and transmittance as observed in the Arctic Transpolar Drift in 2007

Seasonality of spectral albedo and transmittance as observed in the Arctic Transpolar Drift in 2007

Meteorological conditions in the Arctic Ocean in spring and summer 2007 as recorded on the drifting ice station Tara.

Meteorological conditions in the Arctic Ocean in spring and summer 2007 as recorded on the drifting ice station Tara.

Exploring Arctic transpolar drift during dramatic sea ice retreat.

Exploring Arctic transpolar drift during dramatic sea ice retreat.