January 11, 2024
Enrique Ramírez
My time, your time, other times Project On April 6, 1922, in Paris, the physicist Albert Einstein and the philosopher Henri Bergson publicly debate the concept of time. The sea has no time, that is to say, we don’t see its time in the aging of the landscape, but in its depths and in what

September 23, 2022
Lara Tabet
Regnum Marine: A possible Atlas of the invisible species along the way “I would like to use the photographic technique of salt printing to create an atlas that catalogues the marine life forms encountered along our path.” Discover some of her work inspired by life aboard Tara:

August 22, 2022
Leslie Moquin
Not yet night. Aboard Tara, I went in search of the Green Ray: a physical phenomenon sometimes considered chimerical or even mystical. It manifests as a green flash radiating across the horizon in the first seconds of sunrise or the last moments of sunset. The fierce flash did not show itself when I boarded, or

March 8, 2022
Guillaume Bounaud
Self-taught photographer and video maker Self-taught, he learned photography with a Nikkormat, a Japanese reflex camera, at the age of 15. Also interested in movies, he directed his first 16mm short film at the age of 18. He has since directed other short films, several documentaries, making-of and music videos. However, photography remains his main
François Aurat
A sailor and artist “My best experience on board Tara remains the 6-month circumnavigation of the Arctic Ocean (Tara Polar Circle) and the crossing of the Northwest and Northeast Passages with indescribable landscapes and a spectacular team.” François Aurat, deck officer aboard the schooner, fuels his passion for photography along Tara’s course across the ocean. His photographs reflect
Sylvain Couzinet-Jacques
A residence built around plastics Artist-in-residence from St Tropez (France) to Barcelona (Spain) “The proximity and conversations with Tara’s crew members, both sailors and scientists, made me understand more clearly the great fragility of the marine ecosystem and the alarming pollution in the Mediterranean. This sea is a political space that physically separates the African and
Katia Kameli
Hybrid cultures Katia will board Tara for the Algiers-Marseille crossing. Her position is that of hybridity, the “Third Space” which makes possible the emergence of other visions, directions and forms. This third space disrupts the stories that comprise it and puts them in a critical state. Therefore, it allows for rewriting and round trips between “History” and
March 7, 2022
Christian Sardet
Plankton Chronicles Christian Sardet, came several times in residence on board the schooner. His son, Noé Sardet, a filmmaker living in Montreal, inherited his mother’s passion for filmmaking while immersing himself in his father’s scientific universe. Family photos attest to this: at the age of 5, Noé was already fishing for plankton in Friday Harbour,
Stéphanie Januskiewicz
A universe between imaginary drawings and real images. “After a trans-Atlantic crossing, I wanted to put my know-how at the service of the environment. Meeting Tara was a real revelation. I want to help make their mission better known through my illustrations and photographs, so I proposed to design a book for children. The idea
Nicolas Floc’h
Artificial reefs & underwater landscapes At the crossroads of art and science, Nicolas Floc’h embarked aboard Tara between Tokyo and Keelung ((March 23 to April 28) to continue his reflection on the representation of habitats and the underwater environment. While aboard, he accompanied the scientists on all their dives and worked on his inventory of
Vincent Hilaire
Participating in maritime expeditions is like opening in situ the encyclopedia of life Vincent Hilaire accompanied the Tara Arctic, Tara Oceans and Tara Pacific expeditions as on-board correspondent, totalling almost two years aboard the schooner. “ Tara Arctic (the Arctic drift) is the greatest adventure I’ve ever experienced in my life. Just imagine: you fly
February 24, 2022
Edson Macalini
Nauseous drawings in turbulent waters « This was my first time sailing. The Tara experience began even before embarkation and departure at sea. The educational action carried out in the port of Itajaí, Santa Catarina (Brazil) had the support of the Alliance Française of Florianópolis. We aimed to introduce visitors to scientific aspects of the
December 16, 2021
Lola Reboud
« The Colour of the Ocean » The encounter between an individual in relation to the place where she lives and her relationship to the climate are the starting points of Lola’s work. By mixing photographic wandering with a concern for documentary precision, at the edge of current events, she tells stories where geography is
Mara G Haseltine
At the crossroads of art, technology and social change. A passion for the natural sciences is evident in the work of Mara G.Haseltine. She is inspired by the microscopic world and even her most abstract sculptures are enlargements of microscopic and even submicroscopic forms. Whenever possible, she merges her art practice with scientific experiments and
November 23, 2021
Manon Lanjouère
Her artistic research is scientific and poetic Her work has been exhibited in France and abroad, notably at the Maison européenne de la photo-graphie (Paris); the Benaki Museum (Athens); HOSOO gallery during the Kyotography Festival (Kyoto); the Festival Photo Gacilly; la Fondazione Palazzo da Mosto pour Fotografia Europea (Italy). Her work also appears in private
September 25, 2021
Francis Latreille
Polar specialist and photographer Polar specialist and photographer, he embarked several times on board Tara in Antarctica and during the Tara Arctic and Tara Oceans expeditions to bring his eye on the poles. “In April 2007, a very cold blizzard had been blowing for several days on Tara. I stayed for four hours waiting for